What does Labor Day mean to you?
Here we are at the final stretch of Summer with a 4 day weekend, well, at least for some! Labor Day is the day honoring the American Labor movement for which generations of working people are honored because of their hard work, preservation and dedication to furthering the United States growth. Many folks will brave the Highways to visit their last "Summer" destination before we creep into Fall, others will BBQ with friends and family and a good number of us will catch up on DIY projects that didn't get completed in the last 3 months. For myself this Labor Day I am going to take the time to reflect on the work I've done to get me to a place to enjoy the many blessings in life. One of the best rewards in my life right now is the fresh pickings from my garden. Gardening for me is a year round effort with a variety of different harvests in all seasons. I'm fortunate living in the Central Coast area of California to have that available to me. It takes dedication, time and foresight to grow your own food. These same actions keep our country going strong everyday by those that head off to accomplish their daily duties at their jobs. Together we work to make the world a better place. So whatever it is to you that you can do to celebrate this LABOR Day do it to the fullest so Tuesday your rested and ready to go!